Month: November 2014

Communicating Emotions

If a person is a child not accustomed to show their feelings, even in the family, do it in communicating with strangers going for it is very difficult. But do not despair. Thanks to our ability to learn and to change until death, we always try something new. This applies to the handling of feelings.…

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MANAGERIAL COACHING first defines what you want to become and then do what you have to do, to achieve different introduction authors agree in that it goes from an industrial society to another type of society, the knowledge society, which is based on information resources and knowledge management; where are organizations designed as networks of…

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Light Element

Intellectually developed people, it is most people with excess water. This important energy is the energy of the world of money, too, refers to this element, but not in a hurry to put around fountains and cups of water it can hurt, since every element of our money may be a different element. Food is…

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