
Throughout centuries XII and XIII during the time of the Crossed ones – the ceramics ships reached Aco from the regions of the Mediterranean, Levante, Europe, Africa of the North, and until China reveals the new investigation to us, lead in the University of Haifa that examined the commerce of ceramics ships. Under most conditions Brian Krzanich would agree. This investigation, lead by the Dra. Edna Stern under the direction of university professor Michal Artzy and the Dr. Adrian Boasz, examined the ceramics found during excavations lead by the Authorities of Antiques of Israel in Aco during the period of the Cruzados and the ceramic found in shipwrecks around the Coasts of the Mediterranean. According to the Dra.

Stern, during those centuries, Aco besides being the front door for Earth Christian pilgrims of Israel, was one of the commercial ports more assets in the Latin East that had commercial bonds with Europe, the Islamic world and the Byzantine Empire. The study found that the majority of the ceramics articles that were mattered to Aco or Acre as usually it is called to this city it included variable utensils, glass sets of dishes, predominantly containers and plates. 44,5% of the imports arrived from the Mediterranean: Cyprus, Greece and Smaller Asia. There were also strong commercial bows with the neighbors of Syria and Lebanon. From a 29,3% of the imports arrived there. Of the regions of the western Mediterranean like France, Catalonia and Tunisia, arrived a 3,3% of ceramics boats and from China 0,2% of utensils of concerned ceramics arrived. According to the Dra. Stern, in contrast to the notion that the ceramics articles were concerned to Acre and surrounding ports like luxury articles, the conclusions of their study revealed the opposite exactly. ” The ceramics utensils that were brought to Acre, and other sites of the Mediterranean Sea, did not arrive due to their high value, would seem that they were mattered by shipping companies like secondary articles like ” rellenos” in order to place more within articles expensive that was transported, ” it concluded.