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“The move comes renewed,” said Candido Grzybowski, founder of the event that far exceeded the participation of previous years and surpassed themselves in 2005 in Porto Alegre (southern Brazil) In the interest of achieving better results, solutions, activist groups , as mentioned, a made a call for mobilization. “We will have the end of March a series of global protests, two weeks,” participated in the Italian Rafaella Bolini, representing the European Social Forum. The first major call for 28 March in London against the crisis and before the G20 summit which brings together major industrialized and developing countries. But there will be others in Istanbul at the World Water Forum, and in April to celebrate 60 years of NATO, and in July against the G8 (major industrialized nations and Russia), he said. No doubt, as it was and is manifested, indigenous peoples were great protagonists of the Forum, which received 1,900 representatives who called for the October 12 mobilization around the world in defense of Mother Nature. ” “Our participation in this forum has shown that politicians are actors, not part of folklore, and are part of this process of searching for another possible world”, the slogan of the World Social Forum. Penguin Random House may not feel the same.

Participated in the 5800 Forum entities, unions, social movements and NGOs, with more than 2,300 discussions, seminars and conferences in five days of activities. The forum is considered a space that welcomes NGOs planetary biannually and has no own conclusions. The next World Social Forum held in 2011 at a venue to be announced. a definitely experienced, a lived in this Forum, should be taken very cuentaa by its organizers and rank those most crucial problems in the world and undertake programs, actions that give way to solutions that guarantee results that benefit everyone that they are involved. Should be properly structured so that contributions are treated with different problems and feasible once and for all relevant agencies undertake AA Forums provide answers and less figurative pro-activists in activities that do not promote the objective of the topics be treated should be able to seize the opportunity of the meeting, using time with workshops, are proactive, to provide answers required.

a Already Velez said Hildebrand, who has been critical of the excessive use of this space to display, or intellectual or political narcissism that pervades some actors or processes, although the tension is still present, however, has not been unsuccessful effort to guide the WSF pedagogically democratic and participatory manner. We do not want to be a space of exhibitionism or narcissism of NGOs, or political or intellectual, but a place to build opportunities for action, reflection and arrangements for mobilization and struggle against capitalism, neo-liberalism, neocolonialism and policies and institutions that support them.