Heidegger (2005) arrives to affirm in its maximum workmanship To be and Time that ' ' Ser' ' it is the emptiest concept most universal and. But the universality is not guarantee of interest on the part of the pupils. However it is almost certain that many of them although to little age already they had been asked: Who am I? Why I am here? Why the things if pass thus with me? It does not have as to deny that these questions are made in such a way by adults how much for adolescents of unconscious, daily pay-philosophical form, but from the moment where contacts with texts of philosophers and philosophical arguments to enter in on the subject, its point of view can move. Here the intention is not e, in my opinion, nor must be proselitismo. The idea is only to less sensetize the pupil for the importance of the question in quarrel, but for the relevancy of it.
As affects it them. why, exactly that the pupil does not want, it is affected by it. The Being still is a pressing question today and Parmnides already had been touched for it some centuries behind. To sensetize the pupil on the existence easily sends them to the Discardings and its ' ' I cogitate I raise sum' ' or ' ' I think, then existo' ' , or ' ' I think, then sou' ' it makes what me to exist and to feel living creature to me is fact to have the capacity to choose, to make right, to make a mistake, at last, of ahead of multiple choices to be possible the improvisation. They are questions perhaps and questions typical of the phase where the adolescent is living, phase of changes and discoveries, are not these the questions that the pupils of average education will make, but the philosophy professor knowing of the latency of such questions must know to explore having them as deep cloth of philosophical questions.