This situation demonstrates to have the necessity of the adoption of practical on the feeding that they make possible the animals to express the genetic potential. This can be evidenced when, in 2008, the ovinos had been remained Saint Ines in pasture of humidicola B., whose weight reached 19,0 kg (90 days). Table 1. Still in accordance with Table 1, for the year of 2008 e, comparing itself ovinos Saint Ines kept in pasture of humidicola B., in environment of savannah and forest, optimum performance in the savannah had it optimum racial standard of the used animals. With regard to the performance of the animals, for the conditions of Roraima, they is esteem that the average of weight profit, of the birth abates to it, either of the order of 72 g/animal/dia (kg of alive weight abates to the 360 days with 30). In the savannah areas, in native pasture, the creators using themselves of Saint Ines get 92 g/a/d, however, when making use of pasture of humidicola B.
with the suplementao use have gotten profits, in the termination, of the order of 150 g/a/d. In the forest environment, in humidicola B., still with the Saint Ines, to reach 30 kg of alive weight are necessary about seven months, equivalent the 140 g/a/d, however, when they use Dorper animals occurs reduction for five months (30 kg) with profit of the order of 194g/a/d. These information had been gotten next to creators having, however, the confirmation necessity on the basis of formal registers. In experiment carried through with ovinos Black Belly, eight months of age and, kept in confinement, the 167 was observed profit of g/a/d (Muniz et al., 2004). But for comparative effect, with existing data in crossbred literature, ovinos Saint Ines crossed with lanadas races type meat (Suffolk, Texel and Ile de France) finished in 260 confinement had gained g/a/d (Verssimo et al.