Education Ministry

To the being homologated for the Ministry of the Education, it constitutes an instrument so that all () citizen (), mainly parents, mothers, students and professionals of education, can all dialogue with the schools and the education system, beyond monitoring the fulfilment of the law. This is the recommendation of the proper reporter of the document, Petronilha Beatriz Gonalves and Silva, that the National Advice of Education integrated. In accordance with jurists who follow the question, from its homologation and publication in Official gazette, seeming have act of law and, therefore, she must be used as regulamentadora norm. It corrects concepts and boardings of the politics of repairings; he recognizes and he values the individuals and the affirmative actions; contextualiza the education in the ethnic-racial relations; it presents the determination for the inclusion of history and culture pedagogical afro-Brazilians and Africans and its implications and repercussions, including the formation of the teaching staff. Seeming deals with questions as conscience politics historical of the diversity, reinforcement of identity and rights, educative actions of combat to racism and the discriminations and the paper of the advice of education in adjusting the considered one for the law, and the proper one to seem, to the reality of each system of education argues. The document was elaborated with the participation of the civil society, by means of the distribution of questionnaires to an ample public, mainly professional of the education of varied profiles. In its elaboration, the document also contemplated the suggestions made for parents, mothers and students. The responsible commission for its accomplishment was composed for the council member Carlos Jamil Cury and the council members Petronilha Beatriz Gonalves and Silva, Francisca Novantino and Marlia Ancona Lopez. B-Analysis of the Law and the School: Second (SAINTS and AXE, 2007) one of the main claims presented for the black movement in the scope of the Subcommission of blacks, aboriginal populations, deficient people and minorities, was education, that is, the proposal of that the text of the Federal Constitution of 1988 affirmed the commitment of the education with the combat to racism and all the discrimination forms, with the valuation and respect to the diversity assuring the obligatoriness of the education of history of the black populations of Brazil, as one of the conditions for the rescue of a ethnic-racial identity and construction of a pluriracial and pluricultural society.