The bmcm measurement technology components are assembled and measurement or control are carried out by software, without any knowledge of programming is required. Bmcm products, various types of measurements are feasible, no matter whether long-term monitoring or individual measurement. Distributed much channel measurements can be synchronized with network technology. Mobile applications in the field or stationary in the laboratory can be performed. Barchester has many thoughts on the issue. Since the supply of the measuring system with wide input range (9..30/40V DC) can be dyno tests are possible in the automotive, mechanical engineering, or industrial area. For nearly 20 years, BMC messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) successfully opts customer proximity and quality “made in Germany”. Decisive advantages are the accessibility for the customers, German – and English-language support (free landline and same time zone), the proximity of development and production, as well as to the customers. All products are in direct sales and worldwide available.
Ideas and solutions for the presented by bmcm measurement technology: The applications is in the range of applications of the bmcm website available at ger/prac-applications.html contact: BMC Munich Germany sales: about the BMC messsysteme GmbH BMC messsysteme GmbH was founded in 1994 about 30 km west of Munich as an independent GmbH headquartered in Maisach. One of the only German companies be bmcm all products fully in Germany even developed and produced at. Measurement products of BMC messsysteme GmbH are the PC for quality ‘Made in Germany’. Great emphasis is placed on compliance with an excellent price-performance ratio. Since the introduction of direct sales in July 2006, customers can reap the benefits of the direct contact with the manufacturer directly. The BMC messsysteme GmbH uses the following business fields: * measurement components and PC measurement technology * a wide range of connection systems, measuring amplifiers, measurement cards includes (internally and externally), all-in one measuring systems, data loggers and software for the display, storage and analysis.
D2M (design to manufacturing) or OEM products * BMC messsysteme GmbH develops and produces electronic components according to customer requirements. –> always with appropriate documentation and the associated CE testing, of course you get ger/co-d2m.html quality products that are produced already since beginning of 2006 according to RoHS directive. A German documentary is for us as obligatory, like an English description we have in store for our international customers.