The great merit of Marx was having demonstrated the material organization of economic production and composition objective and subjective social modes of communities to the length of the seasons be interpenetrate in monastic way, generating dynamic effects that extends over the other sectors around which the community life is structured as education, law, religion, the arts, etc. Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 05, 1818, em in Treves, capital of the German province of the Rhineland and died in London in 1883. The son of a lawyer and Counsellor of justice. Initially he was studying law, immediately interrupted, because his greatest interest was concentrated on studies of history and philosophy. He acted as a journalist and writer in France and England. Countless effective changes in the structures of thought and legislation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it caused such an impact of their lessons. The year of 1820, in partnership with Friedrich Engels founded the Association Workers international, and prepared several works.
The Holy Family (1845); The German ideology (1845/6); Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848); individually, wrote contribution to critique of political economy (1859). Marx appears as the most outstanding exponent of the scientific socialism, developing the idea of a historical materialism with absolute authenticity. Man stands out as the main element of reflection, as a productive force, such as economic and historically engajada. The concern of his work and put the work in service of the proletariat. In the book the Capital (1867) Marx performs an in-depth investigation on the capitalist mode of production and conditions of overcoming it, heading a classless society and in which private ownership is extinct. For Marx, the social structures and the Organization of the State are directly connected to the functioning of capitalism.
His work is marked by influences from Hegel and Feuerbach. Marx does not accept pure speculation and racional-idealista Hegel’s style, but acknowledges the influence of both. This influence contributes to the formation of an engajado Marx, concrete. However the Hegelian literary elegance is aghast the work of Marx, which coexists with the history of much more direct and next. Marx had gone to despise arguments hazy and indistinct German Liberals who believed that freedom is honored by placing it in the imagination estrelado firmament, and not on the solid ground of freedom. Thanks to these Ethereal dreamers that freedom, in Germany, continued the don’t pass a sentimental fantasy. Marx puts end in tradition jus naturalist, because he puts the accent not more about the State, but on civil society, in a certain sense contrasts the Hegel what you want to say is that the progressive is necessary implication of philosophy with social issues, until its definitive commitment critical and social reason, depending on specific socio-contextual mutations. Cognitive activities not they would be unharmed to the set of transformations that suffered and suffers from contemporary life as well, thought is deposited in commitment to the social praxis, with political action, retreating of idealism, or even the previously existing contemplative Outlook.