Secretary General

In the middle of this month – December 2008 – the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon offered his end of year press conference. What was your report? What can you expect for next year? Although each that we are about to start a new year we strive to be positive and keep an optimistic point of view regarding the future, are the words of the current Secretary General with respect to the 2008, namely, I have called it the year of multiple crises and next will be no less difficult. Our commitment and good intentions will be tested as never before, he said. Why you said this? By the prevailing situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Darfur, Zimbabwe and Somalia specifically. What happens in these places? We Let’s go by parts, one by one.

Afghanistan. With regard to this country Ban stressed the urgency of a change of political direction since the humanitarian situation goes from bad to worse and they increasingly intensifying and increasing attacks by insurgents. Iraq. For starters, the world’s population mostly, we are aware of the situation of chaos and insecurity that exists beyond. While the owner of the UN acknowledged that security had improved throughout this year, yes urged the country’s leaders to work together in a spirit of reconciliation while they assume full control of the Affairs of his nation. Darfur. By the words of Ban Ki-moon regarding the conflict in this place, we can say, unfortunately, that the solution to their problems is still distant.

According to the annual report of Ban due to clashes and political rivalries that the only thing achieved is to foster a climate of violence and insecurity for their inhabitants. Zimbabwe. With respect to this African nation the UN provides a picture very dark in the next year because the country is emerging towards economic, social and political collapse. Somalia. Ban Ki-moon stated that measures for the formation of a multinational peacekeeping force, are already taken but by the time there has been a positive response from some Nations the clear situation of anarchy that the country is experiencing. In view of the foregoing, better understand the reason for the following words of the Secretary-General of the United Nations: 2008 was a difficult year and the 2009 holds for greater challenges.