So Paulo

In this period of training the cognitivas relations of the child with the way predominate. Wallon identifies the sincretismo as being the main characteristic of the infantile thought. The typical phenomena of the sincrtico thought are: fantastic report, contradiction, tautology and elimination. Of the 3 to the 6 years, in the personalstico period of training, it appears the intelligent imitation, which constructs the differentiated meanings that the child of the one for the proper action. In this phase, the child is come back again toward proper itself.

For this, the child places itself in opposition to the other in a mechanism to differentiate itself. The child, mediated for speaks and the domain of ‘ ‘ mine/minha’ ‘ , it makes with that the ideas reach the feeling of property of the things. The central task is the process of formation of the personality. To the 6 years the child passes to the categorial period of training bringing advances in intelligence. In the period of training of the adolescence, the child turns it personal, moral questions, predominating the affectivity. Still as Galvo is in this period of training that if intensifies the accomplishment of the necessary differentiations to the reduction of the sincretismo of the thought. This reduction of the sincretismo and the establishment of the categorial function depends on the cultural way in which the child is inserted. The school is the place where the intentional pedagogical intervention unchains the learning procedure, with this, the professor has the explicit paper to intervine in this procedure, provoking advances in the pupils.

Therefore, the mental development only can be become fullfilled for intermediary of the learning, resultant of the learning process. Being thus, the new positioning is understood that of the education it must take subject to an active construction of its knowledge. The influences of the social environment are basic aspects in the education process, therefore, for intermediary of the individual differences and the knowledge formal, it has the appropriation of new knowledge. However, they must be transmitted of ethical and coherent form on the part of the professors, thus fulfilling, the function which the education if ties the socialization.