Tag: last-minute

Czech Republic

The perception of Spanish workers is the highest in Europe and even exceeds 23 percentage points than the Community average which stands at 36%. The valuation that co-workers can make is important to generate a good working environment, ensures the Randstad HR manager. 59% Of Spaniards estimated his Department colleagues are not prepared to carry…

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German Constitutional Court

The Sumo Pontiff launched this message in Freiburg, during the last mass of his third trip to Germany. Ratzinger, in the line of the above during his visit to Madrid, exhorted the faithful to follow God with humility and remain strongly United to Christ. After the mass, he will meet with the German Constitutional Court…

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Violence And Greed Closed A Brilliant Film In The Venice Mostra Competition

A violent thriller with good performances, Texas Killing Fields, Ami Canaan Mann, was presented this Friday in the Italian city. Also came an interesting thought about money, greed and the economic crisis, Duo minhjin (Life without principle), by Johnnie To. This Saturday the prizes are given. A violent thriller with good performances, Texas Killing Fields…

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