Tag: news

Having Short Hair

The idea of sacrificing our mane to change to a shorter style, can be more difficult to take decisions. When us has always accompanied our long, or not so long, Mane; us not always fancy the idea of losing, although at some moments of our life nothing fills us more than a change and there…

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United Nations Security Council

Along with the banner of the European Union, U.S. and British flags presided over the celebrations that accompanied the past day 17, the unilateral declaration of independence of a new micro-European State: Kosovo. Thank you, America, praying the banners of the euphoric Albanian Kosovars. But European leaders could hardly share the jubilation of the ethnic…

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Chilean Government

If one analyze strong trimming of rates realized (and future cuts) according to the need of supporting the expansive fiscal policy carried out by the Chilean Government to maintain the pace of economic growth, then such a cut has a greater logic that it would enhance the power of fiscal policy. The new level of…

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Carlos Lugo

He clarified that the project of law of languages is a garment of peace, which for the first time, managed to gather in their elaboration and approval to several institutions in the country, including the MEC which gave its opinion favourable to the text of the above-mentioned bill. Omombe u avei heta hendape ojejaheiha nande…

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Hollywood Armani

In an era of gender gender become more confusion, Armani black elegant ladies watch AR0144the clothing is no longer absolute men and women are different, Armani black elegant ladies watch AR0144GIORGIO ARMANI is to break the boundaries of masculinity and femininity, one of the leading designer of women towards the neutral style. The ARMANI majoring…

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The Population

Measure the level of satisfaction, ask if they find what they are looking for and because not, ask for their observations and recommendations. Let us not forget that ultimately the results of sales will come from the same customers and that a dissatisfied customer can be multiplied by the number of related possessing. Changes and…

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From April 14, 2010 and until December 31, 2012 applies the reduced rate of 8% (7% before July 1, 2010) to executions of work of renovation and repair in buildings or part thereof intended for housing, when the following requirements are met: the recipient is a physical person who intended for private use (not business…

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Banco Santander

Although the Brazilian economy is facing problems, they have affected performance economic country in the short term even if they have not done with economic prospects of medium and long term. It is that the Brazilian Government has been pursuing an orderly economic policy that preserves the strength of macroeconomic fundamentals. And a sign of…

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Civil Procedure

5.5 Prior to the guarantor of eviction summons-by rule of article 624 of the Civil Code (1975), the liability of the seller by the eviction and the vices of the thing takes place even though it has not been expressed in the contract, therefore, the responsibility is legal and non-conventional. In accordance with article 75…

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Washington States

After the September 11, 2001 on this day the United States launched a project of strong military increase. The armament budget of the only super-power rose to mean more than the sum of the other following seven powers. The largest coalition of countries never seen before is backbone to be able to attack Afghanistan. One…

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