Tag: training

Excellent Service

In SEB Centre, we have an excellent service of lampisteria Barcelona, because we have an excellent staff of Plumbers Barcelona specialized in different sectors such as: Barcelona plumbing, electricity and gas, providing a wide range of services on installation, repair and detection in everything related to the Barcelona lampisteria; We have experience for more than…

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Texas Water

The huaorani organizing campaign, had the support of the international indigenous organization SAIIC (Oakland, California) and of the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund (USA), was successful and the oil company cancelled operations in indigenous territory. With the Peruvian Government for the exploitation of the Pacaya Samiria reserve in the indigenous Amazon region (Varese-1991) this complex…

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Treatment Of Wood For Ships

Today still used artisans varnishes in countries less developed economically, as happens in some countries in Africa. There fat and blood of cow are still used generally (although it can be any other animal) because also serves them to leverage resources available as livestock. Logically this resource is very basic and does not hold more…

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