Uribe even claimed that some countries in the region consider political allies to these terrorist groups and, even, help them hide in their territory before or once they carried out massacres, sometimes families whole. Concern to us that these groups are taken as political allies, who can hide in territories outside of Colombia and we believe that we must find the way to stop this, said Uribe by all diplomatic channels. And he added that these groups many times from weapons of other countries found them. For that reason, he requested the order of Colombia that everytime appear these (weapons) evidence proving any citizen of another country collaboration with these groups, that State investigate and set that it is incorporated as part of the agenda of the Summit responsibilities. When Uribe ended his exhibition Hugo Chavez, he claimed to present the document of the agreement to clear many doubts. And during his speech, Chavez showed a military document supposedly written by the Pentagon that argues that the U.S.
Southern command provides for the use of seven bases in Colombia as a starting point for sending expeditionary forces at strategic points of interest of United States in South America. I am very concerned and I cannot accept that a document of United States try us as a backyard. I would like to propose a first decision based on that report and this extraordinary meeting, which present us with a report peremptorily shaped the Unasur Defense Council request an urgent meeting with President Obama, said Correa. But returning to make use of the word, the Colombian President alvaro Uribe said that the document read by Chavez is not a discovery… is in a Web page and is not text adopted by the Government of the United States but is an academic group’s proposal. Very interesting and balanced was the participation of the most clear leader that has Latin America, as it is that of President Lula of Brazil.