For this, they had needed to transfer to third those activities that not they added value (as it was the case of the organization, expedition and shipment) and to incorporate others that throughout the time had become strategical (the example the services of assembly and installation of the item). To follow these changes, the sector of Human resources dedicated special attention in the spreading and will acquire knowledge how much to new the proposal enterprise. The intense training of the Unit Services and Retail had been priorities at the first moment. They could not be of it are the rendering of services, partners and suppliers. By the way, in the negotiations with these last ones, clauses had been kept that guaranteed synergy between its objectives and the new Enterprise Politics. As for the requalification, training and qualification of man power for activities cernes of the retail/services (management, force of sales and maintenance), had been kept the old employees.
However incorporated the new members. The increase of picture in the Unit Retail did not exceed 20%. However they had been redimensionados and substituted some individuals. The newness is that the sectors of After-sales and Televendas had started to be next to the Sector to assembly and installation, in order to narrow its relations of learning. A commission of professionals of the Attacked Unit was still defined that now passes to be responsible for articulating next to the suppliers and to together disponibilizar periodic training with the sector of Human resources on the new features and trends of market for all the Group.
As for the boarding in the balcony, it passes to be segmented in sales of legal entity and natural person. Moreover, employee specialists in determined marks and models will be disponibilizados to give internal and external consultorias on specific problems (motor, boxes of marches, electric part, among others). CONSIDERAES ON the PROGRAM OF CAPTATION, FIDELIZAO AND MAINTENANCE OF WALLETS OF CUSTOMERS the company has science of the difficulty in fidelizar customers in the retail.