Month: March 2017


Of these 919 marks, the sector that agglutinates more is the one of " Beauty and esttica" , with 82 chains (12 more than in 2008); " Stores especializadas" , with 77 (3 less), and " Furniture/Textile; , with 62 (1 less). It also emphasizes the disappearance of 11 companies of the activity of "…

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School Mother

I did not have infancy, therefore to the six years, I already had the responsibilities to take account of my sister with three years and of my brother with one year, my mother left them with the neighbor until I to arrive of the school. I did not have toys, did not have time to…

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Kingdom Ones

The principle, I found fantastic, therefore we know that the Father used a mule to speak with its prophet, ademais, natural is the manifestation of God, the way that wants. But, nothing of extraordinary it happened, therefore the fat people had been to receive the miracle and they did not emagreceram, the old ones did…

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Enterprising Article

The manifesto of the entrepreneur (articulo1) linear thought Versus exponential thought. One of the main errors of 97% of the entrepreneurs who we presented/displayed to you in this manifesto is a set of paradigms that has the entrepreneur. One of these paradigms is the paradigm of linear thought Versus exponential thought. The linear thought is…

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