Charter Registration

Procedure for creating a company founder. If you decide to create an llc, for this you need to determine the address of the location of the company. To do this, get the owner of the premises warranty letter, the lease and deed of non-residential premises for a period of 3 to 11 months, a copy of the certificate of ownership, signed, sealed and owners. If you have received legal address is listed in the number of Mass you will be refused registration if the documents will not provide the guarantee letter to the owner. To ensure trouble-free to register, you should check purchased by mail on the mass. If the given address registered 10 or more services, it could be massive. You can check this on the Internet at: (state registration and registration of taxpayers), where the top right there is a shortcut: "Make no risk to you and your business If the address is listed as a mass, but you have to hand a letter of guarantee from the owner, then you have nothing to worry about, you will be registered.

As the location entity you can use the address of the residence. An important point when creating a company is to identify the main types of economic activity (NACE codes) that you intend to do. The list of economic activities is given below. It is important to choose the right tax regime: the usual with tax (VAT) or simplified. The next stage – to issue written several copies of the decision to establish Ltd., Project Charter, Statement by the form number R11001 to pay legal costs 4000 rubles, the request for a backup copy of the Charter, pay the fee of 800 rubles.