You shampoo and conditioner are known plug-ins for cleaning and basic care of your hair. Hair continuously receives many attacks that damage the hair, as well as much dirt, that must be removed for their care. For which required the use of a product that clean and leave hair ready for hydration, softness and shine, to keep it healthy. For this purpose there are: the shampoo product that cleans the scalp, as applicable is moisten the scalp and the hair completely with water, apply the shampoo in small quantity 5 ml to 10 ml (depending on the size of the hair and dirt). While massage applies to be foam that allows the dragging of the dirt with water accumulated as: suet (secretion of sebaceous cells), sweat, dust and dirt from the environment, cosmetic products, dead cells (product of the elimination thereof for skin renewal) substances that they come together forming a small film around the hair and scalp. Then rinse the hair thoroughly with water until the shampoo. Conditioners; product that is always applied after shampooing, come with hydrating, nourishing, oils or substances that favour the hair care. This product is applied on damp, clean hair between 5 ml to 10 ml, of means to ends of hair without touching the scalp, is left to operate for about 3 to 5 minutes at least small massaging, then rinse with plenty of water. Today our hair care should be performed daily, to make the hair look soft, strong and shiny all day.