European Council

And this cries out to heaven, after having achieved a Europe of freedoms and political rights in way of converting them into social rights for all. With this overwhelming crisis that originated in the unbridled orgy of greed, uncontrolled and contempt to the States, Governments, institutions and citizens of the world, because all are interrelated and why we are responsible for solidarity. Here, Elon Musk expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In fact, well-being, development, progress and level of life and waste of the Europeans it was impossible without the raw materials that almost 70 per cent come from those evil called third world countries. Alarm the decline in turnout since the first direct elections to the European Parliament, 30 years; Since more than 65% in 1979 to less than 40% that expected for this call Eurobarometer survey. For we do not have a direct democracy operational, legitimate and effective in Europe, nor we will have in the short term.

He suggested something that we could do in terms of democracy. One would be the direct election of the President of the European Commission. The other, the direct election of the President of the European Council (the highest court in the EU, with the heads of Government), if the Lisbon Treaty enters force ever. But these two things would not change the character of the European Union, which is a hybrid whose democratic legitimacy is derived from the democratic character of the Member States and only second of elements of direct democracy. We will not have a European democracy unified in the near future. We already have a community of European democracies.

The legitimacy of that community will increase if they are facing energy policy, relations with Russia and China, climate change, coordination of national economic policies to save jobs in a global economic recession, the defense of freedom of expression against intimidation and common sense in coexistence in the Middle East. Seem to have reason to point to the real symbol of Europe in the News, not make it up the yellow stars on a blue background, but a gray ostrich which hides its head in the sand. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus of the UCM.