Federal Constitution

Each public office will have proper denomination, as well as described its attributions, its duties and the responsibilities, inherent to each one, in the form that to make use the Federal Constitution the sort of the indicative names of the public offices must obey what it makes use the Law n 2,749, of 02/04/56? D.O.U of 05/04/56, here transcribing. ‘ ‘ Art. 1? Invariably the following norm in the official job of indicative name of public office will be observed. The grammatical sort of this name, in its natural shelter to the sex of the employee to who if relates, has to obey the traditional pertinent to the subject and consecrated rules in the lexiologia of the language. They must, therefore, to follow it in this particular one, they will be generically changeable, assuming, as the case, masculine or feminine feio, any adjectives or pronominal expressions syntactically related with said name (). The rule above displayed it is destined by its very nature to the distributions of the Federal Union, being extensive to the autarchies and the all service whose maintenance depends, total, or in part, of the National Treasure.? The expression ‘ ‘ service whose maintenance depends on the Nacional’ Treasure; ‘ , of 1956, it has that to today correspond the entities bred and kept by the National Treasure, such as public foundations. As example, we cite the denomination of the position of President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, if the occupant will be of the masculine sex will be of President of the Republic, and, if of the feminine sex, will be of President of the Republic. 4,3 Elective office: The President and of the Vice-president of the Republic will be elect for absolute majority, this 50% percent plus a vote of the valid votes, in elections that will be become fullfilled simultaneously, in the first sunday of October, in first turn, and in the last sunday of October, according to turn, she will be had, of the previous year to the one of the ending of the effective presidential mandate.