Good Carbohydrates And Bad Carbohydrates

The carbohydrates are the subject of much debate and discussion in the industry of the diet in these days.Many people are of whom they think that to consume great amount of carbohydrates he is bad and she is going to give rise to increase of weight.Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish between good and bad carbohydrates when deciding on a diet plan.The good carbohydrates are good power plant and nutrition and constitute an important part of the diet of any person.Normally they are in foods not process, the bad carbohydrates will serve to place more fat person to us and are only little healthful. To know where to find good and bad carbohydrates it is the first important step.The good carbohydrates are typically present in natural foods like fruits and vegetables, graze and integral flour of wheat of grain whole number.These foods delay more in digesting and therefore they are less prone to be put in the form of fat.Also they are high in fiber content, which means that he will be able to maintain the sensation of satiety by more time. In the other side of the currency they are the bad carbohydrates of which there are to have well-taken care of and to maintain a minimum in its diet.Many of the foods that contain bad carbohydrates are process? or they contain sugar high levels.These foods include bad carbohydrates chipses, white bread, candies, cakes and pies.Although this type of foods is safe to give him to a fast outbreak of the energy the truth is that they have low nutritious values and low fiber content and those are the real facts.Besides causing to increase of weight, this type of foods it is probable that they help to cause to additional problems of health such as cardiac diabetes and diseases. Any diet heals and balanced it must contain a good quota of carbohydrates, but knowing to the difference between carbohydrates good and the bad ones for not knowing this it can cause that it breaks his diet, if you want to have but information of carbohydrates and a good and bad food list I invite to you to visit my page Web Like Lowering the Fat..