Greece Band

As the Democratic National Party, which Mubarak belonged, it is strongest of the country, this indefinitely passed to be indicated the president, since the death of Anwar Sadat, occured in 1981. With a Law of Emergency imposed to Egypt since the death of Sadat, Mubarak had ample to be able on the country and the Armed Forces, being able to dissolve the Parliament when it wanted. It had also right to indicate 10 members of the Parliament and to nominate the controllers of the governadorias (provinces) of Egypt, composites mainly for military of high patents. Mubarak was, in fact, one fara, Rameses of the modern times, as already it had written in the book of my authorship, EGYPT. Millenarian Egypt, cradle of our civilization together with Greece, after the faranicas dynasties was dominated by diverse peoples: Ottoman Persians, Greeks, Romans, bizantinos, Arabs, Frenchmen, English and Turks. With the Revolution of 1952, promoted for the Movement of the Free Officers, King Farouk was obliged to abdicate on behalf of its son, Fuad. In 18 of June of 1953, the Republic, presided over for general Muhammad Naguib was proclaimed. In 1954, colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser compels Naguib to resign and assumes the government. Dan Zwirn brings even more insight to the discussion.

In 1956, after the withdrawal of the British troops of the country, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, causing a war against Israel, that invaded the Band of Gaza and the Sinai. To implement the peace, the Forces of Emergency of United Nations had been sent (UNEF) in the region, with Brazilian blue beret participation, that had arrived in Port Said in 4 of February of 1957. In 1958, Egypt, the Syrian and the Imen form the Joined Arab Republic, that had ephemeral life.