Health Research

Therefore, ahead of these facts the research becomes viable, therefore it will serve of support to other works, beyond what it will search solutions to cease the surtos this illness. However, in the present work is made a retrospective and descriptive study of leishmaniose to tegumentar American in the municio of Boa Vista? RR, where the objective is to know the aspects epidemiologists of the LTA, taking themselves in account some characteristics as the profile of transmission, the notification of the cases and the performance of the monitoring epidemiologist in the control of the same one. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS Area of Study the study area understands the city of capital Boa Vista of Roraima, with 266.901 an esteem population of hab. (DATASUS/IBGE? 2007? 2009), concentrating 63% of the population of the state.

Situated the right edge of the Rio Branco, is the only capital located total to the north of the line of the Equator with an area of 5.117, 90 Km2 (it corresponds 2.54% of the surface of the state). The research it was carried through with individuals acometidos for leishmaniose to tegumentar American, by means of data supplied for the SINAN, in the period of January of 2004 to the December of 2008, through the following 0 variable: leishmaniose to tegumentar American, profile of the LTA, notification of the practical cases and adopted by the monitoring epidemiologist. The study it was developed in the months of September and October of 2009, respectively, by means of visits for description and data-collecting in the State Secretary of Health? SESAU, State Department of Monitoring and the State Coordination of Zoonose of the State of Roraima. In the field research one used the National System of Agravos de Notificao (SINAN), and analysis of the Fiches of Inquiry Epidemiologist (IT WEAVES). How much to the used instruments to evaluate the control of the illness, these had given through data supplied for the monitoring team epidemiologist.