Perhaps we have listened on the attraction law, where one pronounces that we to us we attract all the circumstances our life through our thoughts and feelings, really it works? The truth is that yes, thus it happens, it is not that indeed we attract but rather we created our reality. In the film the secret way sample relatively the easy thing that it is to attract things our life, really it is easy? Depends, in the majority of the chaos is not it, with practice it is become easy to obtain certain things, for example we could be concentrated and to destine certain energy to locate to a person, to the course of some time, days more surely we will have the news of that person, will find or it or it will call to us, etc. Another example is the one of a food, if we concentrated in a specific plate by far desire and that is something that is not very daily in house, then the universe will provide that plate somehow, rather you are creating it to you, it works?
Yes, if it works. With some level of practice and associating the appropriate emotions we can begin to use the law of the attraction for our benefit, but it must notice something very important, the attraction law works to him easily for situations that are daily for our mind, the food, the people, some level of money, certain objects, etc. This must to that already certain state is controlled, then is equivalent to that a person reads a book of her language in different places, does not matter where it is always will achieve his objective, because the capacity of ” leer” in certain language it is a state that already is controlled. Now we think what happens with the radical changes of life? , works the attraction law?
Yes, if it does, but it is a process that needs time and effort, you you cannot try to visualize a state which never one has approached, for example when you imagine a plate of lobsters, is a condition that already has undergone several times, then is easy to visualize that event, but what it happens when we visualized to buy a building of 50 floors and not even we have an apartment? It happens that our mind does not process well that information, becomes all an illusion, simply because we do not have the sufficient level of energy to try that intention of first entrance.