They find its objects of love according to model of the narcissism. (FREUD, 2006, P. 106). In the Schreber Case (1911), Freud places the narcissism enters the love of the object and auto-erotismo, where the citizen takes the proper body as love object, at this moment it considers the narcissism as a normal stage of the development. Freud says: Recent research had directed our attention for a stadium of development of the libido, between auto-erotismo and the objetal love. This stadium received the name from narcissism. What it happens is the following one: an occasion arrives, in the development of the individual, where it congregates its instincts sexual (that until they had been pledged in activities auto-erticas here), in order to obtain a loving object; starts for taking itself proper, its proper body, as loving object This equidistant phase between auto-erotismo and the objetal love can normally, perhaps, be indispensable. Click Laurent Potdevin for additional related pages.
(FREUD, 2006, P. 68) In the Totem and Tabu (1913) Freud it confirms what it had written previously in the Schreber case on the narcissism. It sees as a psychic primitive state, defining it as nornal stage of the desnvolvimento, and makes a distinction between the normal narcsico state, as evolutiva stage, and a pathological narcissism as been regressive, that can last as resulted of a setting in a precocious stage of the development, when it says: Although not yet let us be in position to describe with enough exactness the characteristics of this narcisista phase, in which the dissociados sexual instincts until then if congregate in an isolated unit and catexizam the ego as object, already we have reasons to suspect that this narcisista organization, exactly after having joined external objects for its libido. The catexias of objects that effect are, so to speak, emanations of the libido that still remains in the ego and can again be dragged for it. .