Visualization Of Local Services And Service Processes

The method of service blueprint or map services are inherently complex. They are not reproducible and whose result depends on itself the so-called external factor to a great extent by the customers. Who wants to satisfy his customers as a service provider and keep, which has to offer today usually more than a good value for money. Standard services are supplementing. Excellent service, experience, pre sales advice and after sales services are any scientific tags, not less deferred, rather very concrete expectations of customers on the service, or the service process itself. To meet these expectations, it is important to make the own strengths and weaknesses, and in addition to worry to a targeted expansion of the service portfolio of provider point of view. Visualization techniques such as the method of the so-called Servicebluebrintig or Servicemapping a way represent, so to break down services and service processes, that the result of this Analysis can be made to the starting point of various measures for the establishment and improvement of process and service quality. The Serviceblueprint is a method to represent the service process as visualized this a facilitated analysis of the process itself, the events to allow the interaction points (customer, employee, management) and their design and control, timing and quality of the individual elements of the performance and overall optimization of the service process.

The method of Serviceblueprinting a significant focus is placed on the external factor so the customers. This perspective takes into account a (customer relationship management) CRM thought themselves particularly. The Servicebluebrintig is this analysis instrument and tool for the optimization of the performance of process, especially for such services, which are characterized by a wide variety of customer contact points. When developing a Serviceblueprints all activities are mapped chronologically at the beginning. To do this, include the admission of the customer in the business sector as well as the disclosure of performance demands to subcontractors such as indexed by the sales order.