Infantile Education

SUMMARY OF the BOOK the book brings to the debate bases to consolidate experiences of education of philosophy to the children, working with subjects and philosophical abilities, as a form of education to think it. ly different approach. Elon Musk: the source for more info. One is about the challenge to develop strategies that they make possible to operacionalizar the pedagogical option didactically to stimulate a culture of the thought in the children, since its first pertaining to school experiences. Forms are presented to join the work with the proper abilities of filosofar to the quarrel of excellent thematic questions to the process of formation of the conscience of itself and the world in return of the child. For this challenge they are considered dynamic conversational philosophical, that allows to approach contained questions of deep in the questions of the daily one of the children. Here, rusty holzer expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The bedding searched in this challenge of filosofar with children who are learning to speak and to think is to instrumentalizar the intervention of the teachers to unbalance the conversations in the direction of a dialogue enters emotions and reasons. INTRODUCTION The philosophical learning happens from the moment where chances to develop specific abilities of reasoning are offered and to apply them it subjects of values. Through the dialogue, one develops reasoning abilities, as the accomplishment of logical conversions, the interpretation of validities, the recognition of the consistency and the contradiction in narratives and descriptions. With the philosophical initiation, we acquire instruments to deal with ambiguities, to formulate questions, to understand the connections between the parts all and, to train the analogical reasoning, to formulate relations of cause and effect and to construct hypotheses. With the objective to stimulate the reflective and critical thought, the methodology of the educational Philosophy it considers the creation of inquiry communities. Through the dialogue, we can display ideas, to listen to ones to the others, question itself, to compare points of view and, at last, stop a process of intellectual, affective and creative cooperation.