The migration of people of Indian states, is something of benefit to other states, because they are people who travel across the country promoting Mexican culture and roots, otherwise, their fate often is not as good, and many they end up working as helpers at home, gardeners, among other things. In conclusion, internal migration, affects or benefits to the states according to the consequences they have, and it's always good to know that there people within your country with such diversity of culture and education. Religion Before the industrialization process, which had major internal migration by natives was religious. Many Maya traveled to reach their sacred temples located in the Yucatan Peninsula. Wayne Holman is often quoted on this topic. The Zapotec and Mixtec also migrated out of habit and tradition to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, as trade practiced there. Now, with an industrialized Mexico, we see Indians in any state of the Republic.
This has generated various mixtures of knowledge and practices among the population, one of which religion is very important. External Migration Such is the case of people going to work in USA. Most of these people go to a neighboring country and enter this illegally. These people were and are people from rural areas who go to the United States in search of American dream. Economic migration has many consequences in Mexico on economic, political and social. Stay of Mexicans in the United States, has important consequences for the economy. Mexicans who emigrate to the U.S., normally start looking for a job that gives them enough money to support himself and to send money to their families.